Loin hurts, and the leg: causes, symptoms, treatment

Different back not only older, but also young people are disturbed pain in the last time. This Situation explains the strong decrease in motor activity, a decrease in the immunity, unhealthy way of life. As a result, all life is suffering important organs of the human body, including the spine.

Pain in the back radiating into the leg

Unlimited access of country people to drugs even more the Situation, instead of being engaged in Sport, and to constantly monitor their health, most people take pain medication and your treatment ends worse. As a result, in the course of time, there are major problems, which delayed the treatment of diseases in time and is much more expensive. Back pain radiating into the leg, which may be the cause of disability is the complete or partial loss of earning capacity. But even in mild cases, significantly reduce patients ' quality of life.

Why is there pain in the lower back radiating into the leg

Without an understanding of the causes of the disease may not be adequate solutions to be taken. And the cause for the formation of pain can only be understood after the construction of the lumbar spine is clear.

Often the cause for such pain is the swelling of the opening angle of the nerves come from the spine. The nerves are located in a specific joint, it allows you to move the legs. Swelling highly compressed nerve, you have to work constantly and send signals about the pathological state in the brain. He is responding to you and for the minimisation of risks for the further compression of the neural beam makes movement painful, in this way trying to block the development of the pathology.

Triggered the mechanism of the self-preservation of the organism, the Person is going to hurt, he tries, more time in the quiet condition. Rest allows the body to eliminate puffiness and bring the vertebrae in the physiological state. Accordingly, the moving Patient without problems is reduced or disappears completely swelling, which is no longer clamped nerves, worrying signals in the brain that not come, he sends pain impulses.

But it is only in cases where the organism by the mobilization of internal reserves to be able to eliminate the cause of edema without medical help. Unfortunately, it is not always, and often without the need for special treatment of edema persist. There are quite a lot of diseases, in consequence of which described clinic.

The Compression Ratio Of Nerve Endings

In the spine, a large number of spinal is located to the roots, in their compression pain syndromes. Very often the phenomenon occurs in patients with osteochondrosis. With increasing pathology, the sensation of pain, in difficult cases, difficult to increase any kind of movement.

Table. Forms of the disease

Form of the diseaseDescription of the clinic
Muscle-TonicNerve endings are irritated to nearby tissues, changing through various processes. Tissue take up the space in the nerve endings, what is the reason for pain. Usually such pain is a nagging.
CycleUnpleasant feelings appear due to the development of the convulsive syndrome. The tension disorders may be due to the development of degenerative disc. Heart attack the sudden, for no apparent reason, or it will lift after the embarrassing twists of the torso, weight, etc. there Are also external reasons for longer stays in the same Position, success, lots of sharp turns of the torso, lift to lift excessive weights.
Vegetative-vascularThe leg not only hurts, but also numb, feet tingling, you can feel a strange cold or heat. In the case of prolonged pain, heartbeat is accelerated, the skin of the face pales.
MixedThe diagnosis is very common, this description is doctors grasping at the impossibility of a precise determination of the cause of the pain.

What are the factors that increase the risk of diseases

Causes of pain

Back pain that is transferred is called, in the leg, * sciatica. The disease has no clinical specificity, in the first time, only preliminary results can.

There are several factors that increase the risk of the emergence of the pathology

  1. A longer stay on the legs, especially if the shoes are High Heels. In this case, the lumbar spine calving is unnaturally bent, the load on the vertebrae increases, the discs do not bear the increased load and changes its configuration. Increased diameter of the nerve fibers shrink covers from the spine. Doctors recommend, provide, the time for the recovery of the spine, to sit to change your shoes, do small exercises to strengthen the back muscles. A strong muscles in a long time to hold the weight of a Person, due to which the load drops to the vertebrae.
  2. Pregnancy, and obesity. During pregnancy not only increases the weight of the women, but also unnatural vortex bending. If you carefully follow the advice of the doctors, all the complaints disappear after the birth itself.
  3. Professional sports or heavy physical work. The burden of compliance with the individual skills.
  4. The congenital pathologies of the development of the spine. With the growth of the pathology can increase and reach critical values. Curvature of the spine, it is often due to lack of calcium in the growing organism. And he digested only in the presence of Vitamin D, which is formed under the influence of UV-radiation. Conclusion – the sedentary lifestyle, the regular and extended stays in the fresh air reduces the likelihood of diseases.
  5. Protrusion of the intervertebral disc, herniated disc, deforming osteoarthrosis. This pathology is very often the cause of pain in the back, the giving away of the leg. Just after the onset of their symptoms, most patients go to the hospital and only then learns about his true diagnosis.


The most important Symptom – pain and limited mobility. When changing the body position, the intensity only increases, reducing the discomfort occurs only with complete calmness of the patient. When walking, pain rising up to such a degree, that the leg move, the Patient pulls the whole time. If a state is triggered, then the body posture changes, the Patient leans forward and bowed.

Doctors claim that it is a benign condition, and never born again, up to oncological diseases. With early treatment, the prognosis is quite optimistic, but to avoid the progress of the disease, it is not worth it. The sooner treatment begins, the less time for the achievement of a positive result.

At the first occurrence is recommended to reduce the physical strain and the number of drunk liquid. If within three to four days, the pain does not disappear, then you turn to the medical establishment.

Take special care to treat his condition, if such phenomena after various injuries of the spine, accompanied by fever, redness of the skin in the lower back. Deterioration of the sensitivity of the legs and pelvis, spontaneous discharge of urine and emptying of the colon serve as a Signal for immediate Diligence health condition in a hospital.



When you first visit the doctor the Patient learns about the time of the appearance of the first pain, the cause, the dynamics of the state changes. The disease is not requires a local pathology, and treatment of the causes. Patients necessarily have to be x-ray examinations, magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Only a clear visualization of the affected cooker allows the doctor, the right diagnosis and develop the most effective form of treatment.

Such as pain docked

Persistent or recurrent pain, generate and affect a large number of problems for the people and the quality of his life. The treatment of the causes of the disease, it is recommended that only after the elimination of pain, such recommendations, the modern world is economy medicine. But any Manipulation of the spine is expressly prohibited without a special examination at the medical equipment, allows doctors to visually, the affected Herd and take the only right decision. State of the art equipment to make the image spatially, which completely eliminates the likelihood of errors. Of course, if the doctor about appropriate level of technical knowledge.

The relief will only be in a medical facility, in the hotbed of two drugs: local anesthetic for relief of pain and hydrocortisone for the therapeutic effect. Hydrocortisone relieves inflammation and swelling, and promotes full recovery.

How does cupping

  1. Preparation of the patient for the procedure. The Patient lies on a special table with the back upwards, with iodine surgical area disinfected.
  2. A special device is regulated, so that to see the Monitor clearly, the Zone of introduction of medicines and pain Phase.
  3. In the constant observation of the actions of the doctor, the needle of the syringe and the medication comes in the problematic place.

Pain in the lower back and leg is within a few minutes. Further, the Patient can be forwarded, to life, for the existence of other treatments, and a full life.


During exacerbation of symptoms, the Patient is recommended bed rest for the relief of severe pain, various medications. With the aim of reducing edema, the fluid intake may be restricted if it is muscle spasms, appointed or muscle relaxants antispasmodics.

Unfortunately, the above relief in us rarely used. There are two reasons for this:

  • the extremely low level of equipment of medical institutions of the modern special equipment. For the relief of a new x-ray need, allowing all manipulations in the Online mode. The doctor on the Monitor looks not only to the affected area of the spine, but clear and controlled all the movements of the needle of the syringe. If such an observation is not so large, the risks are extremely negative consequences;
  • preserved from the time of the USSR medical Tradition, in which the pain for the patient is considered to be a natural condition. In our country, an anesthesiologist is only during the execution of complex operations. The word anaesthesia means insensibility, in developed countries it has long been used for the relief of the suffering of the patients not only during the Operation, but also during the ordinary course of therapeutic treatment. Life without pain – the Motto of all clinics developed. According to this Motto, you no longer have feelings at the slightest occasion of pain to be trustworthy, regardless of their location and the reasons. Only in this state, the Patient is carried out according to the indicators, further treatment.


The medical science recommends, Massage, manual therapy, mud baths, baths, vitamins, exercise therapy. All of these procedures to improve blood flow in the affected pathology of the organs. Improving blood flow stimulates the regenerative processes in the tissues, promotes the fast development of the muscles of the spine. But all treatments after the removal of the acute symptoms of the disease.

Surgical Treatment

Used in extreme cases, when drug therapy has proved ineffective or there is large risk of a sharp deterioration in the condition of the patient. During the Operation, the damaged hard disks can be partially or completely deleted.



Tips and not an Original – not to engage in a healthy lifestyle and strengthening physical exercise or any sports. The burden to adapt must not strive, taking into account age and sex, and then to the great results, and aim at the improvement of health. It is recommended to constantly monitor body position, if necessary, the detected deviations to correct.

As to the folk medicine, so in the world there are no cases, with the help of red clay was completely damaged spinal column to replace, no verification of the effect of tea on the kidney of a birch, the relief of pain, black radish, agave syrup, etc. Should note that the use of such means leads to a lengthening of the time of the visit of the doctor, the progresses the disease, the treatment requires a greater amount of time and financial resources.